
Ο Βασίλης Βασιλείου και τα κρουστά όργανα

Vasilis Vasiliou
Drummer/Percussionist,composer and educator.
Main percussions Handpan(hang drum), Cajon, Frame drums, Tamburello

Ο συμπατριώτης μας Βασίλης Βασιλείου πέραν της ντραμς μουσικής είναι ικανός να παίξει, να διδάξει, να δημιουργήσει και να συνθέσει ήχο και μουσική μέσα από κρουστά όργανα όπως το Handpan, Cajon, Frame drums, Tamburello. Ο Βασίλης Βασιλείου είναι από την Λάρνακα αλλά ζει στην Λευκωσία. 
Carol of The Bells__Handpan(Hang drum)
An instrumental handpan cover of Carol of the Bells. 
Filmed at Vereggaria-Prodromos-Troodos, Cyprus
Arranged, Performed & Produced by Vasilis Vasiliou
The song ‘’Carol of the bells’’ which is associated with Christmas actually has nothing to do with it. It was originally based on a Ukrainian folk chant called ‘’Shchedryk’’ and in 1914 it was adapted by Ukrainian composer Mykola Leontovych using words by Peter Wilhousky, and became well known especially in the United States as a Christmas song.
Vasilis Vasiliou - Windcraft cajon class 2015
Windcraft's Summer Concert (28 June 2015)

Live Cajon Performance with Vasos Vassiliou, Alkis Kaimakis, Elli Michael

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