Ανδρέας Μιχαήλ -μπουζούκι, φωνή
Θεοδόσης Χαμπή -μπουζούκι, μπάσο, κιθάρα
Αντώνης Χρυσοστόμου -κιθάρα, σαξόφωνο, φωνή
Αχιλλέας Αντωνίου -ντραμς
Freddie Folkes -πιάνο
Περιοχή: Αγγλία, Λονδίνο
Οι "Marcians" είναι ένα συγκρότημα Κυπρίων της Αγγλίας που έπαιζε ελληνική μουσική και συνεργάστηκαν δισκογραφικά και με τον Μίκη Θεοδωράκη. Μάνατζερ του συγκροτήματος υπήρξε ο Άγγλος Freddie Folkes ο οποίος έχει και χρέη πιανίστα. Το όνομα του συγκροτήματος μεταφράζεται στα ελληνικά σαν "Οι Αρειανοί" και κυκλοφόρησαν 5 δίσκους από την Hallmark Records και έκαναν πωλήσεις πέραν των 2 εκατομμυρίων αντιτύπων! Το 2010 κυκλοφόρησαν ακόμα ένα καινούριο δίσκο με τίτλο Traditional Greek Music - Μονάχοι Ζούμε από την ARC Music.
The Marcians - Έλα Κορού
"Τον δίσκο ήβρα τον στο Λονδίνο σε charity shop για μιαν λίρα. Ηχογραφήθηκε που κυπραίους της Αγγλίας το 1969 & κυκλοφόρησε που την αγγλική δισκογραφική Hallmark. Τούτον εν το μόνο κυπριακό τραγούδι πας τον δίσκο. Επίσης ενδιαφέρον εν το ότι ο πιανίστας & μάνατζερ τους ήταν Εγγλέζος." Kypriaka Vinylia
"A selection of these popular numbers is presented by the Marcians, who are so aptly described as fabulous, because of their neat and polished style which would do credit to any group of musicians. The Marcians were formed over 2 years ago by bouzouki player ANDREAS MICHAEL, who, although born in Cyprus, is a British subject and has been living in England now for over 10 years. On this record, Andreas sings lead vocal as well as performing bouzouki solos and without doubt it can be said that he is one of the finest bouzouki players in this country today.THEODOSIS HAMBI is also a British subject from Cyprus, who has been in England now for 9 years. He plays bouzouki, sings and is an accomplished bass-guitarist as well. Another British subject from Cyprus is ANTONIOS CHRUSOSTOMOU, who has lived in England now for over 10 years and he is without doubt the best Greek rhythm guitarist in the country. He also sings on this record and can play Tenor Sexophone with great skill, although this instrument is not incorporated in this album. ACHILLEAS I ANTONIOU, the drummer of the group, is the youngest member of the Marcians and is another British subject from Cyprus who has lived in England for 9 years now. Although a relative newcomer to the musical profession, he shows an expertise and mastery of the complicated Greek rhythms that does him credit. Oldest member of the group is ex-RAF pilot FREDDIE FOLKES, who is pianist and manager for the combination. Besides being an accomplished pianist of many years standing, he is probably the only Englishman who is capable of playing all the intricate Greek rhythms like a native of that country. Freddie advises that besides currently making a series of long-playing records, the group also appears on Television and are installed as the resident orchestra in a famous London Greek restaurant. Lovers of Greek popular music will not hesitate to add this record to their collection and will derive great pleasure from listening to the extremely polished performance given by the Marcians. I, for my part, will be eagerly looking forward to their next record release.
Chris Hollis"
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήThe Spirit Of GREECE -1969 (σε δύο Versions)
The Music Of Mikis Theodorakis -1970 (σε πέντε Versions)
The Exiting Stereo Sound Of The Bouzoukis -1971
Holiday In Greece -1972